Problem: How To Install SatForms PocketPC Runtime to multiple handhelds
Updated for Version 8: With Satellite Forms 8 there is a new capability to use an integrated runtime engine, which removes the need to install the runtime engine files separately from the application files.
Updated: Starting with Satellite Forms 7.0, it is possible to bundle the PocketPC runtime engine directly with your application files, instead of needing to install the runtime engine separately. That is the new recommended approach, described in How To Bundle the SatForms PocketPC runtime engine with your app. The information below is retained for Satellite Forms 6.x users.
Solution: You can install the SatForms PocketPC runtime to multiple handhelds on a single PC using different methods.
1. Method 1 - SatForms Runtime Installer
To install the runtime on multiple handhelds connected to the same PC, you can simply run the RDK or SDK runtime installer when each handheld is attached to the PC and connected via ActiveSync. Use the installer shortcuts from the Satellite Forms menu, for example Start | Programs | Satellite Forms 6.1 | Runtime | PocketPC | RDK Runtime Installer.
Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.
2. Method 2 - ActiveSync Add/Remove Programs
Another method is to use the Add/Remove programs option in Microsoft ActiveSync. Attached the PocketPC handheld to the PC, and wait for ActiveSync to make the connection. It does not matter if you have a sync relationship with this handheld, or use a guest connection.
Select Add/Remove Programs from the Tools menu in the ActiveSync window.
ActiveSync will query the handheld and see what is installed. If the SatForms runtime is already installed on that device, it will be listed with a checkmark in the checkbox to the left of the name.
If it is not installed, the checkbox will be blank. Check the checkbox, and then tap on OK.
Follow any additional prompts to complete the installation.
3. Method 3 - Use the functions of the SatForms ActiveSync OCX to install via the runtime CAB file
See this KB article: How To Install the SatForms Runtime for PocketPC Programmatically
Keywords: Runtime, install, multiple, ActiveSync, PocketPC
KB ID: 10020
Updated: 2010-06-22
Satellite Forms KnowledgeBase Online