Product |
Slider Control |
Manufacturer |
Standard Satellite Forms component |
Website |
Source code provided |
Yes |
Platform |
PalmOS, PocketPC |
Sample project(s) |
SFX Control |
Keywords |
slider, control, bar |
Slider is an SFX control that can be used with your applications to specify data in a continuous range. There are three supported control styles:
0: Progress Bar (no user interaction)
1: Slider with marker (user can slide a marker)
2: Slider with no marker (user taps bar to indicate pos)
0: Transparent
1: Alternating dots
2: Diagonal lines
3: Vertical lines
4: Opaque
Initialization Constants
These are the values placed in the “Configuration” window of the inserted SFX control.
BEEP = n specifies whether the control should beep when the user interacts with it. If n is 0, no beep occurs. If n is 1, then a beep sounds when first touching the control. (Default = 0.)
DSOURCE = Fields(""col_name"") specifies that the column named col_name (double-quotes required) in the table linked to the form that contains the control will be used to load and the value of the control. (Default = none.)
FASTTRACK = specifies how often the OnClick event will be fired
0 = Every time the pen moves
1 = After the pen is lifted (default = false)
INITVAL = n specifies that the initial position of the control's bar should be at 'n', a number between MIN and MAX (Default = 0).
MIN = n specifies that the leftmost position of the control has value 'n'. (Default = 0).
MAX = n specifies that the rightmost position of the control has value 'n' (Default = 100).
PATTERNTYPE = n specifies the type of filler pattern for the sliding bar (Default = 1).
STYLE = n specifies the style of slider control requested. The value of n is described above (Default = 1).
VISIBLE = 0 or 1 specifies whether the control will be visible at first (default = true).
Scripts API
All methods are private methods.
Usage: [Name of SFX Control].[Name of Method]
Example of usage: SFXControl1.About()
Show the extension's about box.
FastTrack(Boolean) - Specifies how often the OnClick event will be fired
0 = Every time the pen moves
1 = After the pen is lifted (default = false)
Get position of the control bar.
Example of usage: x = MySlider.GetPosition()
SetMinMax(integer, integer)
Change minimum & maximum values.
Example of usage: SetMinMax(min,max)
Set position of control bar to the value specified.
Example of usage: MySlider.SetPosition(NewValue)
Make control visible or invisible. Set parameter to true for visible.
DocID: 10134 DocDate: 2005-07-18