Product |
Bitmap |
Manufacturer |
Standard Satellite Forms component |
Website |
Source code provided |
Yes |
Platform |
PalmOS |
Sample project(s) |
Res and Bitmap View |
Keywords |
Bitmap |
Bitmap is an extension which allows one to modify, view, and create bitmaps in Satellite Forms.
NOTE: This extension is not supported on PalmOS 5 devices.
Bitmap allows the developer access to the Palm OS® Bitmap.h API. Through this extension one can modify, create and display bitmaps. This extension must be used in conjunction with the Resource Extension.
1 – width
2 - height
3 – row size in bytes
4 – pixel size
5 - version
6 – next depth offset
7 – transparent index
8 – compression type
1 – one bit depth (monochrome)
2 – two bit depth (4 grayscale)
4 – four bit depth (16 grayscale)
8 – eight bit depth (256 colors)
Scripts API
The following methods are accessible from the scripting language. About() is the only private method.
Usage: [Name of Method]
Example of usage: BV_GetResPointer()
Show extension's about box.
Return the current bitmap's bit size.
Return the bitmap's color table size.
Compress the bitmap.
BV_Create(integer, integer, integer, integer)
Creates a bitmap structure.
Example of usage: BV_Create(width, height, BitDepth, UseColorTable). BitDepth must be 1, 2, 4, or 8.
Returns TRUE if successful.
Creates an offscreen bitmap window. Returns TRUE if successful.
This method does nothing right now.
Does nothing right now.
Deletes the offscreen window and sets the current drawing window to the previous drawing window.
BV_DrawBitmap(integer, integer)
Draws the current bitmap to the screen at the position specified.
Example of usage: BV_DrawBitmap(X_Coord, Y_Coord).
Gets the current bitmap's data.
Gets the color table data.
Get the current open resource's pointer from Puma's Resource Manager. Always call this first when grabbing a resource from the Resource Extension. Example of usage: BV_GetResPointer(RM_GetResPtr).
Grabs the current drawing window and returns it as a bitmap.
Checks to see if the current handheld has OS 3.5.
BV_ModifyBitmapVaule(integer, integer)
Changes the corresponding bitmap value and returns the previous value. Be very careful in modifying bitmap values as modifying a value improperly could lead to potential crashes.
Example of usage: PrevValue = BV_ModifyBitmapValue(BitmapValue, 29).
BV_PaintBitmap(integer, integer)
Draws the current bitmap to the screen. Use this one if the bitmap has its own color table.
Example of usage: BV_DrawBitmap(X_Coord, Y_Coord).
Detaches Bitmap Extension from pointer grabbed by BV_GetResPointer. Erases current Bitmap pointer too. Remember, this is no substitute for releasing the resource.
Returns the corresponding bitmap value. See BitmapValue in Parameters above.
Example of usage: Value = BV_ReturnBitmapValue(BitmapValue).
BV_SetWindowBounds(integer, integer, integer, integer, integer)
Sets the offscreen window's bounds.
Example of usage: BV_SetWindowBounds(TopLeftX, TopLeftY, HorExtent, VerExtent) where the first two numbers are coordinates and the last two numbers are widths and heights respectively.
Returns the size of the current bitmap.
Sets the offscreen window as the current drawing window.
DocID: 10131 DocDate: 2005-07-18