The Google Maps extension for PalmOS provides an interface from your Satellite Forms application to the free Google Maps application, providing detailed interactive maps, turn by turn directions, integrated search results, and satellite imagery.
The Google Maps extension enables your Satellite Forms 7 application to launch Google Maps to:
- Find a Location
- Find a Business
- Get Directions to a Location
- Get Directions from a Location
The LaunchReturn extension can be used to enable the automatic relaunching of your SatForms application when the Google Maps application is finished. You will need to use the Special AppReturnEventMode instead of Normal mode.
Copy the following files into your Satellite Forms 7 program folder in these locations:
File: |
Copy to folder: |
GoogleMaps.inf |
\Satellite Forms 7\Extensions\Standard |
SFE_GoogleMaps.prc |
\Satellite Forms 7\Extensions\Standard\Palm |
GoogleMaps.sfa |
\Satellite Forms 7\Samples\Projects\GoogleMaps (create this new folder) |
Usage and Sample Application:
The GoogleMaps.sfa sample application demonstrates how to use the extension.
GM_LaunchGoogleMaps( FindString, FindType )
FindString is the location/business/directions to find/map
FindType is:
0 - Find a location
1 - Find a business
2 - Directions To a location
3 - Directions From a location