Problem: How To Use a Specific Connection using ConnectionMgr
Solution: An improvement to the ConnectionMgr extension for Windows Mobile allows you to find the available connections on a device, and select which connection to use, instead of just taking the default as selected by the system.
The ConnectionMgr extension for Windows Mobile is used to request that the system initiates a network connection, so that a network resource can be used. Sometimes, on devices with multiple types of connections available, you may wish to specify which connection to use, instead of accepting the default connection selected by the system. The new CM_GetConnectionName and CM_ConnectByIndex functions provide this capability.
In order to choose a specific connection, you first need to find out what the available connections are to choose from. To do this, use the CM_GetConnectionName function in a loop until you have found all of the connections. The system stores available connections by name, with a unique index number for each one. Start by requesting the name of the connection with an index of 0, store that name, then increment the index and retrieve the next name, until you have retrieved all available connections. Once you have the list of connections and their indexes, you can initiate the connection using the index of the connection you want to use.
For example (lists all connections in a paragraph control named edConnName):
dim connidx, connname, done
connidx = 0
done = false
while not done
connname = CM_GetConnectionName( connidx )
if connname = "" then
done = true
edConnName = edConnName &connidx &" - " &connname &chr(10)
connidx = connidx + 1
Sample output might look like this:
0 - My Work Network
1 - My ISP
2 - Work
3 - Secure WAP Network
4 - The WAP Network
5 - The Internet
Now, once you have the connection index of the connection you want to use, you can initiate that connection usng CM_ConnectByIndex, like this:
'connect using The Internet
result = CM_ConnectByIndex(5)
Here's a more complete sample that will search all connections for one named "The Internet" and either connect with it or display an error message:
'connect to "The Internet"
dim connidx, connname, done
connidx = 0
done = false
while not done
connname = CM_GetConnectionName( connidx )
if connname = "" then Exit While
if connname = "The Internet" then
done = true
Exit While
connidx = connidx + 1
if done then
result = CM_ConnectByIndex(connidx)
MsgBox("The Internet connection not found.")
Keywords: connection, dialup, WLAN, WWAN, internet
KB ID: 10089
Updated: 2010-06-21
Satellite Forms KnowledgeBase Online