DLL error when installing application at Hotsync
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Problem:        Your PalmOS application uses third party extensions.  When trying to install the application you receive the following error message: Satellite Forms DLL error 1050: Couldn't copy file to install directory.

Solution:        Your issue with the third party extension and DLL error is most likely the result of the extension file location changing with SatForms V5 and higher.

In versions older than 5.x, you would have placed the INF and PRC and possible BMP files in

\Satellite Forms\Extensions\{manufacturer}

For Satellite Forms 5.x and higher, they need to go in a new location (as a result of PocketPC support in SatForms).

INF and BMP file:

\Satellite Forms\Extensions\{manufacturer}

PRC file (for a PalmOS extension):

\Satellite Forms\Extensions\{manufacturer}\Palm

SFX file (for a PocketPC extension):

\Satellite Forms\Extensions\{manufacturer}\PPC_ARM

Close App Designer, move the files, then restart App Designer and hotsync again to correct the error and install the application.

Keywords:      DLL, error, Hotsync, extension, 1050

KB ID: 10011 

Updated: 2010-06-22

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